Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Abuse charities brand sentence of Graham Ovenden "disgraceful"
Graham Ovenden, whose work has been displayed around the world, invited girls as young as six to sit for his portraits and photographs, making them dress in Victorian clothes and abusing them, in the 1970s.
He was convicted of six charges of indecency with a child and one of indecent assault.
Judge Graham Cottle sentenced Ovenden, who denied all charges, to a year in prison suspended for two years, saying he had considered his age and health and felt he was "no longer a threat" to children.
Siobhan Pyburn, founder of The Phoenix Project for sexual abuse victims, said: "In many historic child abuse cases offenders are getting off simply because of their age."
She said Ovenden, whose work has since been removed from the Tate Gallery's online collection, was clearly not making genuine art but "child pornography."
Peter Saunders, of the National Association for People Abused in Childhood, said: "It's an absolutely outrageous decision."
Ovenden, of Barley Splatt, near Bodmin Moor, denied abusing his subjects but admitted taking pictures which he said were not indecent. He was cleared of five further charges.
He said he was planning to appeal a "mindless witch hunt."
Source : http://telegraph.feedsportal.com/c/32726/f/568414/s/2cd6f585/l/0L0Stelegraph0O0Cculture0Cart0Cart0Enews0C10A0A995520CAbuse0Echarities0Ebrand0Esentence0Eof0EGraham0EOvenden0Edisgraceful0Bhtml/story01.htm