Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Jeremy Paxman's beard sparks Twitter posts

The presenter's appearance sparked a furore of comments on the social networking site after he sported the beard on the programme, and quickly became one of the trending topics for the UK on Monday night.

And MiMi posted: "How long has Paxman looked like Ben Fogle got stranded on a desert island for 40 years? #NewsNight"

Many praised the 63-year-old and his popularity on Twitter, while others asked if his beard would get its own account.

Miran Shuleta wrote: "Jeremy Paxman's beard #legendary"

Mr Paxman has worked on the programme for 23 years and is also known for his work on University Challenge. He has worked for the BBC since 1977.

Source : http://telegraph.feedsportal.com/c/32726/f/568414/s/2fdfb66e/sc/7/l/0L0Stelegraph0O0Cculture0Ctvandradio0C10A2391320CJeremy0EPaxmans0Ebeard0Esparks0ETwitter0Eposts0Bhtml/story01.htm