Monday, September 9, 2013

Sir Derek Jacobi: No copy of Shakespeare at Windsor Castle

He alleged that on one occasion, he had attempted to light a cigarette for Princess Margaret before she snatched it away, saying: "Oh no, you're not that close."

Speaking of a show at Windsor Castle following Ascot week in 1982, Sir Derek disclosed Prince Charles had asked him to put on a presentation of "Shakespeare's Stuff", personally visiting him at dinner to check staff were "treating him ok".

When told the show would last 35 minutes, the actor reports Prince Charles as saying: "Oh dear – I say, you couldn't possibly make it 45 minutes, could you?"

Sir Derek replied: "Well, yes, but can someone find us a complete Shakespeare?"

He told the magazine: "They scoured Windsor Castle and couldn't find one. Our reigning monarch didn't have a copy!

"Between us, we dredged up sonnets from memory, and sung Brush Up Your Shakespeare twice."

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