Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Telegraph theatre critic Tim Walker makes West End debut

The Telegraph's Tim Walker spoke of his trepidation of his forthcoming stage debut, playing a waiter and a boatman in Top Hat at the Aldwych

"It's much easier to the critic than the criticised, it was a salutary experience. I've often thought sitting through productions, what is like be on the stage, on the other side of the footlights and now I am finding out, " he said.

"My lines are not enormous, I don't exactly have to deliver Hamlet's soliloquy, but even delivering just a simple line like Si Señor you have no idea the amount of difficulties you've got.

"It is an absolute nightmare."

'Top Hat' is currently showing at the Aldwych Theatre, London. For tickets, call 0844 847 1712, or go to tophatonstage.com. Tim Walker will be appearing on September 18

Source : http://telegraph.feedsportal.com/c/32726/f/568414/s/30c12416/sc/38/l/0L0Stelegraph0O0Cculture0Ctheatre0C10A2845910CTelegraph0Etheatre0Ecritic0ETim0EWalker0Emakes0EWest0EEnd0Edebut0Bhtml/story01.htm